Dr Hassan Abbas Zaheer

Prof. H.A Zaheer is Advisor to World Health Organization’s ‘Advisory Group on Blood Regulation, Availability & Safety’. He also works as a Healthcare Consultant. His recent professional assignments have been in the field of blood safety, HIV prevention & control, COVID-19 preparation, Thalassemia & Hemophilia prevention and management, Plasma Fractionation, Medical Audit & Health Care Systems strengthening, COVID vaccine Clinical Trial, for international (WHO, Facebook, UNDP, KfW, ADB, CanSinoBio, SinoVac, PwC, A.F Ferguson etc.) and national organizations (AJM Pharma, PRCS, JW Group etc.).

Prof. Zaheer, as the pioneer of Pakistan’s blood transfusion program, laid a solid foundation and   established a nationwide infrastructure of a nationally coordinated Blood Transfusion service in Pakistan. From 2010-20 he led and steered the development of national policies on Health, HIV, Hepatitis, Blood Transfusion and Voluntary Donors and the formulation of the national strategic frameworks on HIV, Hepatitis and BT. He has extensive experience of conceiving and developing public sector health projects and has an impressive record of successfully conducting bi-lateral and multi-lateral negotiations with international partners. Proposal development is one of his key skills.                                                                                                                               

Prof. Zaheer graduated from Rawalpindi Medical College and did his Ph.D. (Hematology) from University of London, UK. He has MBA in Healthcare Management and is a Fellow of Pakistan College of Pathologists. He served for 35 years in the government. His last positions included National Coordinator, Safe Blood Transfusion Program, Pakistan and Prof. of Pathology & Head of Pathology Dept, Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences. In addition, he was also Chairman, Islamabad Blood Transfusion Authority. All these positions were under the auspices of Ministry of National Health Services, Govt of Pakistan. Earlier, he served (2007-10) with distinction as the National Program Manager, National AIDS Control Program, Ministry of Health, Pakistan.

Prof. Zaheer is an active member of national, regional and international blood transfusion societies, has published extensively and is ‘Reviewer’ many international journals. He is a regular guest speaker in international conferences and has represented Pakistan at international foras including the UN, ECO, ISBT, AABB, AATM, SAARC etc.

Prof. Zaheer has more than 20 years’ experience of teaching postgraduate medical and allied students and has supervised M.Phil. and Ph.D. students. His publications promoted the use of evidence in policy and practice relating to strengthening the transfusion sector in Pakistan.